October 19, 2010




Two Sundays past I was lucky to take part in a sweet little project - 10 photographers. 10 photos each. All taken on 10/10/10. Thats a lot of 10's!

My 10/10/10 was not so thrilling - breakfast and a very early morning dog walk followed by 8 hours at The Mall Job, then a quick few ciders in a park to catch the last of the days sun. I was a little nervous that all my images would turn out terrible, so ended up taking so many! Above are 10 out-takes, but you'll have to go over to the 1010 project website to see my final results.

Everyones photographs turned out soooo nicely (unsurprising considering the impressive list of contributors)! Special thanks to the ever lovely Vic for organising it all! x

October 13, 2010


Oh Spring, she's arrived (!) and so Ive been spending all my time outside. This year I'm making some ambitious attempts at a veggie garden, and the dogs have been really helping out. See - Poppy has been keeping the potato's warm & Frank even kindly carted off some large skeletal remains I found buried in an old planter. Thanks so much guys!

Oh and Beetroot. I love you best when I eat you with feta on toast but also kind of secretly like how you stain my fingers a crazy shade of red. So yeah, Beetroot, thank you too!