February 28, 2011
as per
A sneak peak at my new digs.
Theres still much to be done; in the middle of my floor sit a pile of boxes full of pretty things I have no idea where to put & theres artwork to be hung (or not), a coffee table (& a rug?) to be bought, a broken window to fix & so many things to be donated, stored or sold.
Still, things are slowly coming together and the room is cozy and comfortable already. And so quite at night! Best sleeps ever. Im very happy to finally be able to make use of my couch (which I inherited from my grandfather a few years ago but which has been in storage / other peoples lounge rooms ever since) and to have back a whole heap of things (like, A PALLET worth of things) presumed lost since late 2009 but recently found in the rafters of my mums shed!
February 26, 2011
nonsense & help
A bit of animated hecticity to match a crazy-exhausting-fun few weeks.
I wonder can you guys help- I have finally decided on the colours for a patchwork quilt I want to make, but am having trouble finding the right coloured fabric. Can anyone recommend a fabric store (Online or in Melbourne) with a wide block-colour selection?
February 4, 2011
Nice job with the finger crossing you guys; got approved for a place the very next day! The next week will be full of packing & moving & cleaning & painting but our new house is pretty nice & Ill be living the teenage dream by bunking up in the detatched studio out back. FIVE POINT THREE METRES OF FLOOR TO CEILING WINDOWS. My own personal conservatory! Yep.